Well I had enough luck to log on into my friend’s World of Warcraft Cataclysm alpha account. And I have to truly admit, that I was shocked with almost everything which I saw there – why you should get another world of warcraft game card. Check out my post.
Geography and Travel
Blizzard weren't kidding when they said that Azeroth was in for a lot of upheaval. But the universe hasn't been shrunk - it's still just as huge as it was before and takes just as long to travel from north-east to south-west as it was. However you can take advantage of numerous more flight paths included in all regions, especially low-level areas before you get your mounts, meaning that time you spend playing is time greatly spent.
It was pretty good putting Rend on every bear in a forty-yard radius with Blood and Thunder; don’t get me wrong, I know I was rending their greatest friend, but it’s still a unusual thing to do. With mastery bonuses not fully implemented yet, it’s rather difficult to know what stuff like Vengeance will end up doing in the completed product.
Slightly on the down-side some of the fresh post-80 Mt Hyjal missions are confusing unless you know the storyline to Stormrage. This may be disappointing, just as I was disappointed with Varian's introduction in Wrath of the Lich King - hopefully we'll be able to check out even little more in-game explanation this time around. And this is why you should get world of warcraft time card and later another world of warcraft time card and another one.
I’ve found the most amazing results using Bloodthirst on cooldown, with Bloodsurge Slam and Impending Victory as they proc (whatever new strike comes in will be in IV’s place) and Heroic Strike if you see your rage creeping over the middle point or if there’s no different button to press.
Adrenaline junkies may be disappointed to know that in the process of re-ordering the mobs levels in Zones some of the danger in reaching new zones has been getting rid of. Going from Booty Bay to Goldshire isn't quite as hard as it was, and Southshore is simple to get to at lvl25. Not that you'd want to go to Southshore.
Post-80 there's numerous of content to get stuck into, including some tasks which are effectively homages to gaming production past. There's a continued evolution in mission design started in Wrath, just don't expect it to be challenging from the get-go. It's made for new lvl 78-80, not your epic-laden backside.
Well, to a certain extent this has been switched in Cataclysm. Most areas still run with questing hubs (e.g. Goldshire) but task chains have be significantly adjusted so that in numerous cases returning back to the mission hub is unnecessary.
Leveling changed into an art of knowing which point in multiple task chains, also minimizing travel time and allowed efficient doing missions ( less play, less time and less world of warcraft game card ). Certain key areas were crucial to much faster leveling, such as the Mirage Raceway and Jintha'Alor, whereas others were to be avoided unless you enjoyed the walk.
It’s definitely worth to get world of warcraft game card and play Cataclysm! Totally!