Hey check this video is cool and music theme is mega cool :D anyway my buddy is on it.
I've got new character in World of Warcraft and now im on my journey in westfall. Nom im focusing to quick level-up my profession skills. I've got herbalism and alchemy, and i wondering around, grinding some monsters and collecting herbs - nothin new..its pretty boring..Anyway my brother is own its way to westfall - his got Elven Hunter. Together we should quickly level-up.
I dunno where would i go after i finish my skill level -up. Im thinking about Duskwood - but its little boring in other hand everything is little boring. Im just little tired of grinding. Ive got 70 level wood elven - hunter, 70 lvl blood elf - paladin and 70 lvl warrior - undead or My fresh character is human - rogue, but im sick with playing another and another and another time...
Well, I'm little bit bored with World of Warcraft. It's like another life or something like that. You need to control this game, you need to check out from time to time Auction House stuff...Well, to earn some money anyway..