World of Warcraft Guide

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Guide

Saturday, October 20, 2007

New stuff

Welcome on my weblog. After long time - no see, im coming back. For the start i want to write something in topic MMO games. I didn't know that, this genre of games are so popular now. My friend said that he is working under interesting work - something high school stuff - and topic of his work is "MMO games and social behaviors of common internet user" :)

It's funny, one day you are playing with someone in your favorite game (wow :P ) second they that person is specialist. He something like "currency in World of Warcraft and economy in MMO genre" or "liberalism in MMo" :D if Adam Smith could play in WoW - i wonder what he would said!

ehh anyway life is sometimes difficult i lost my dear girlfriend and i feel miserable now..

What can I say? World of Warcraft is one of the greatest and best MMO RPG every created but have dark side - you can be really succed up by this virtual, complicated world. Well I love this game and I hate this game. I dunno which side is stronger anyway. My brother is also some kinda addict and he is playin almost non stop...

Check out again my weblog friend!