Hi welcome! After long time, we are only few days to premiere of expansion for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King. Many players run from Age of Conan or Warhammer Online, to once again play in this legendary game.
Official Blizzard statment: our game has 11 millions of players! Well i'm very proud of it :-)
What's new in our second expansion for the popular MMORPG? Well first of all:
- Raised level cap of 80
- One new playable class: Death Knight
- Profession level cap raised to 450
- New character-customization options, including new hairstyles and other cool features
- A new continent: Northrend
- Tons of new items, hundreds of quests, check out this website about final fantasy > dungeons, creatures, spells and most powerfull weapons
....and...Lich King..waiting in his Ice Crown Citadel..
Under this text you can check out interesting video from Wrath of the Lich King. It's very cool and i waiting to defeat this guy Lich King. He is last mob there so i just travel there, beat him and take his Frostmourne... hy hy